Hey Guys,

Dj Surfer: Killswitch Radio Show/Podcast is changing its release/time slot….

As from the next Episode… 

You can now catch Killswitch airing:

The Second Friday of each month 17.00 -19.00 (GMT) (www.edmwales.fm)


Second Saturday Of each Month. 15.00 – 17.00 (GMT) (http://www.powermixfmradio.com/)

This due to its launch on EDM Wales FM as part of a brand new line up on the station.

Featuring: Dj Surfer, Rhys Thomas, Andy Moor,Mark Sherry plus loads more…

Dates for the diary:


05.11.11 Dj Surfer @ Power Mix FM Radio 1st Birthday  

Tune In:  15.00 -17.00 (GMT)


11.11.11: Dj Surfer: Killswitch 008, Guest Mix Kev Gilies 

www.edmwales.fm , 17.00-19.00 (GMT)

12.11.11: 15.00-17.00 (GMT) on: (http://www.powermixfmradio.com/)


09.12.11: Dj Surfer Killswitch 009,Guest Mix: Martyn Davies

www.edmwales.fm , 17.00-19.00 (GMT)


10.12.11: 15.00-17.00 (GMT) on: (http://www.powermixfmradio.com/)


December 2011

Killswitch 10 (As part of EDM Wales FM End Of Year Countdown)

(TBC) Announcement due soon

All Killswitch Radio Shows/podcast will be up for download after broadcast via: http://djsurfer.co.uk/killswitch/


Dj Surfer